
How To Be A Better Manager During a Busy Season

by Team Auvenir

Amidst the hustle and bustle of audit season, navigating as a manager demands a strategic approach. Discover essential strategies to thrive amidst the chaos, from clever resource planning to boosting team morale. Dive in and lead your team to success and fortify your firm’s reputation for excellence.


Your CPA firm may resemble a battlefield during the busy season, where deadlines loom large and client demands are constant. As a manager, your role is crucial in maintaining order amidst the chaos. Here are some key strategies to enhance your managerial skills during this demanding period:


Strategic Resource Allocation:

Treat the audit season like a strategic campaign. Plan the workload by meticulously planning resources and staffing requirements. Consider hiring additional personnel well in advance to mitigate potential bottlenecks. According to CPA Practice Advisor, many CPA firms experience annual turnover rates upward of 25 percent. Include buffer resources in case there is attrition in the team. And as tempting as it may be to take on new clients, think twice before overloading your team – it could save you a headache later.


Clear Goal Setting:

Visualize yourself as the coach of a winning team, where your team relies on you for the strategies. Give your team a roadmap to success by setting clear objectives. Make sure they know what’s expected of them and provide the support they need to get there.  According to Thomson Reuters, leaders who aim for greater organizational efficiency must recognize that employees don’t respond very well to the “do more with less” attitude. Therefore, invest in training and skill development before the busy season kicks in, as it can help your team tackle any challenge that comes their way.


Regular Status Monitoring:

Maintain a tracker for all the engagements along with their status. Keep tabs on your projects with regular check-ins with your staff. These meetings are a great way to identify any issues early on and address them before they become bigger problems. Ensure transparent communication - if you foresee any delays, keep your clients in the loop. This reduces the stress on your employees and helps you manage client expectations better.


Recognition and Appreciation:

Your team is putting in long hours to get the job done, so don’t forget to show your appreciation. . A structured rewards system or organizing team-building activities can foster a sense of camaraderie and motivation. Whether it’s a simple thank you or a team outing, a little recognition can go a long way in keeping morale high.


Client Communication and Expectation Management:

Managing client expectations is key to a successful audit season. Be upfront about what you can and can’t deliver, and don’t be afraid to ask for more time if you need it. Request extensions from respective authorities if you need them and set the expectations with the clients accordingly. Clear communication is key to keeping everyone on the same page.


In conclusion, your effective management during busy periods is instrumental in tackling the challenges in the accounting world. By implementing these strategies, you can optimize team performance, enhance client satisfaction, and fortify your firm's reputation for excellence. Remember to prioritize your team’s growth and your own well-being as well. With diligence and foresight, you can lead your team to success and emerge stronger from the challenges ahead.


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